Anne'S Profile
Anne Mangan
Member since: 20th June 2019
Last login: 26th June 2020
Hometown: Dublin South
Anne is a career coach and educator with almost 30-years’ experience in higher education - as tutor, programme director, educational developer, educational consultant, coach and mentor. Aware of the challenges facing young people as they transition from secondary school into further/higher education and work, Anne has turned her attention to supporting senior cycle students successfully transition into the next phase of their lives. She believes that without a strong sense of self, young people can struggle to stay on track, educationally and career-wise. Anxiety about their future can affect health and well-being. Anne’s greatest passion is providing support to them as they develop greater self-awareness, figuring out who they are and what they want their lives to look like. She feels that learning to appreciate their uniqueness and stay true to their own nature as they experiment with and consider possible career options, is key.
Anne works closely with parents as they are heavily invested in their children’s future and are the primary influencers in their career decision-making.
Anne has a Masters in Clinical Education from the University of New South Wales, Australia and diplomas in Life and Career coaching from The Irish Lifecoach Institute, Dublin.