Career Coaches in Dublin South

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Career Coaches in Dublin South
Anne Mangan - Career Coach
If you are looking for experienced Career Coaches in Dublin to help your teen make the right choices about their future, talk to Anne Mangan today. Helping students review their CAO choices Anne will talk to your teen and support them about their career choices as best she can. Call today to find out more!
Celine O said
My daughter participated in Anne’s intensive online career development course at the end of fifth year. She found it very informative and opened her mind to various career options. She found Anne to be very easy to relate to. It enhanced my daughters knowledge of different careers/courses and then narrowed it to her pathway. This course will certainly make the CAO application more accessible.
Celine O’Dowd
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My daughter participated in Anne’s intensive online career development course at the end of fifth year. She found it very informative and opened her mind to various career options. She …
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